Tuesday, April 10, 2007

The people of INDIA

Salary & Govt Concessions for a member of parliment(MP)

Month Salary : 12,000

Expense for consitution per month : 10,000

Office expenditure per month : 14,000

Traveling concession (8 per km) : 48,000 (eg: for visit)

Daily DA TA during parliment meets : 500

1 st class (A/C) (all over india : Free

Rent for MP hostel at Delhi : Free

Electricty costs at home : Free up to at 50,000 units

Local phone call charges : Free up to 1,70,000 calls

Total expences for a MP per Year : 32,00,000

Total expences for 5 years : 1,60,00,000

For 534 MP's the expences for 5 years : 8,54,40,00,000(nearly 855 crores)

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